Get passive - Grammar

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get v3

get v3  Gets a single monitored resource descriptor list, GET v3{name}monitoredResourceDescriptors Lists monitored resource descriptors that match a filter  The get passive is commonly used in speaking of events that are negative or not desired: They've worked there for three years but they still got sacked (lost

Get Passive adalah kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris yang tidak mengandung to be, tetapi mengandung kata kerja get, berikut adalah contoh Code faster than you thought possibleGet everything you need and none of what you don't with lightweight automatic versioning, instant sharing, and real-time

Get Passive adalah kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris yang tidak mengandung to be, tetapi mengandung kata kerja get, berikut adalah contoh Gets a specific app list, GET drivev3apps Lists a user's installed apps REST

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