zastava mauser 98
zastava m98 Zastava M98 Barrel Only 23 Главная Каталог Крепления для оптических прицелов Планка Picatinny Rusan на основания Mauser 98, Zastava M9848
264 WIN MAG CHASSIS BUILD I had a hard time finding anyone who made a chassis for the Zastava M70 Mauser M98 Action Bid in a Proxibid online auction to acquire a Yugoslavian Zastava M9848 8x57 Mauser Bolt Action Rifle FFL Required M9610 from
Bid in a Proxibid online auction to acquire a Yugoslavian Zastava M9848 8x57 Mauser Bolt Action Rifle FFL Required M9610 from M98 large ring What's funny about that is that you can take a standard M98 bottom piece and bolt it onto a Zastava action and it fits perfectly